This notice on the use of cookies in the website is provided to the user in implementation of the provision of the Authority for the protection of personal data of 8 May 2014 “Identification of simplified procedures for informing and acquiring consent for the use of cookies” and in compliance with art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 regarding the protection of personal data (Regulation).
The notice is prepared and updated by Metalplasma S.r.l. – Unipersonale, Via dell’Industria, 19 – 35010 Curtarolo (PD) – Fiscal Code – VAT number : IT 01527560286.
The Data Controller has appointed a data protection officer who can be contacted at the email address:
Any further requests on the use of cookies found in this website can be sent to the email address You can use the same address at any time to exercise the rights which the Regulation attributes to you as an interested party (art. 15 et seq. of EU Regulation 2016/679): for example, access, cancellation, update, correction, integration etc.), as well as to ask for the updated list of any designated Data processing managers.
Your data is, in any case, processed by specific subjects authorized by the data controller and they are neither communicated nor disseminated.
Cookies are small text strings which websites directly send to a visitor on his/her terminal (usually to the browser) where they are stored to be then sent again to the same sites the next time the user visits such sites (so-called first-party cookies). While browsing a site, a user may also receive cookies from other sites and web servers (so-called third-party cookies); this happens because there may be elements on the website which he/she is visiting such as, for instance, images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages from other domains, which are located on different servers from the one on which the required page is located. In other words, they are cookies which are set by a website which differs from the one which is currently being visited.
Cookies may have a duration limited to a single browser session (so-called session cookies), and in this case they are automatically deactivated when the user closes the browser; or they may have a pre-set expiry date and, if this is the case, they will be stored and active on your hard disc until the expiry date and will continue to gather information during the various browser sessions on the browser (so-called permanent cookies).
Cookies are used for various functions. Some are needed to allow to surf Internet sites and use their functions (so-called technical or necessary cookies). Others are used to receive statistical information, in aggregate or non aggregate form, on the the number of users who access Internet sites and on how these Internet sites are used (so-called analytics or statistic cookies). Others, lastly, are used to trace your consumer profile and to show you commercial advertisements on Internet sites which may be of interest to you, as they are consistent with your tastes and consumer habits (so-called profiling or marketing cookies).
Technical cookies can be used without the prior explicit consent of the user as they are automatically enabled.
The user is required to explicitly consent to the use of profiling and third party cookies.
Change your browser’s settings
Follow the instructions provided by the browser manufacturer which you use to find out how to manage, disable or delete all cookies (technical, analytics and profiling):
- Mozilla Firefox:
- Google Chrome:
- Microsoft Edge:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer:
- Apple Safari:
- Other browsers which derive from Chromium (Chromium, Opera, Vivaldi, Brave, Blisk, etc.): as indicated per Google Chrome.
In addition to what has been specified above regarding browsing data, the user is free to provide personal data each time they are required by the site; non provision of such data may however bring about the impossibility to supply the requested services.
Specific security measures are taken to prevent the loss, unlawful or incorrect use of data and unauthorized accesses. Please take note that communication via the Internet such as e-mail/webmail, may pass through several nations before being delivered to the addressees. This site cannot assume the responsibility of any unauthorized access, or of the loss of personal data over which it does not have control.
The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to receive a confirmation of the existence or non existence of such data and to know the content and origin, to verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or its correction, pursuant to articles 15 et seq. of EU Reg. 2016/679. Pursuant to the same article, subjects have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their processing, by writing to the site.
This site reserves the right to change or amend, at any time, this Cookie Policy wherever published on the site especially by virtue of the entry into force of new sector regulations. All users will be able to check the latest version of the Cookie Policy at any time by connecting to the site, as updated from time to time.